Location Wyoming
The Wyoming DOT – TAMP [DRAFT] is available here.
This document includes the following sections: Asset Valuation, Current Methods and Tools, Data Management, Financial Plan, Future Demand, Introduction, Inventory and Condition, Investment Strategies, Performance Assessment, Process Improvements, Regulatory and Legislative Requirements, Risk Management.
This document meets the following additional criteria: • Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs • Key revenue projection assumptions identified • Presents a corridor view of asset management.
The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.
The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Pavement and bridge only.
External link:
This document meets the following additional criteria: • Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs • Key revenue projection assumptions identified • Presents a corridor view of asset management.
The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.
The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Pavement and bridge only.
External link:
Document summary:
This document is a draft of the Wyoming DOT TAMP. The final version was published in 2018 and can be viewed here:
The Wyoming TAMP presents the DOT's approach to managing its pavement and bridge assets. The TAMP includes sections on pavement and bridge conditions and programs, life cycle cost analysis, financial planning and investment strategies, and risks to the transportation system.