Published: 2019

The Idaho TD TAMP is available here.

Document summary:

This TAMP for the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) applies transportation asset management principles to the maintenance and upkeep of the portions of the National Highway System (NHS) that lie within Idaho. This document is an integral piece of ITD's larger asset management framework that encompasses its other complementary assets.

This document includes the following sections: Asset Valuation, Financial Plan, Introduction, Inventory and Condition, Investment Strategies, Lifecycle Management, Objectives and Measures, Process Improvements, Regulatory and Legislative Requirements, Risk Management.
This document meets the following additional criteria:
• Asset valuation included
• Defines linkages to other planning & programming documents
• Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability
• Includes formal risk assessment results such as a risk register
• Includes substantive list of process, data, and/or systems improvement actions
• Performance/LOS targets are linked to agency goals/objectives
• Risk assessment results incorporated into investment strategies.
The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.
The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Pavement and bridge only.
External link (if available): Direct link